“The excitement of building trust in client relationships
while working together as a business partner.”

Yuri Ozeki
I joined the RPO division at en world in 2021. I started out as an onsite recruiter, providing comprehensive solutions in corporate recruitment utilizing my experience from my previous job. Now, as a Business Development & Implementation Consultant (new business development and RPO implementation consultant), I identify recruitment challenges for new clients, propose RPO services, and promote awareness of RPO to expand the market.
- What are your current duties and job description?
Currently, I am a Business Development & Implementation Consultant, but I started as an onsite recruiter, stationed at a client’s office from the RPO division (enPower), responsible for optimization of recruiting processes and providing comprehensive solutions as a consultant.
To be more specific, my role is to approach companies that are considering RPO and support them through the entire process of setting up an RPO service: analyzing the existing state, identifying recruitment issues, proposing strategies to resolve those issues, and launching the service. I am also responsible for client management which includes building relationships with some of the existing clients, establishing and improving recruiting processes, and proposing recruiting strategies such as status-analysis and formulating solutions.
- When did you join en world and what motivated you?
I joined en world in March 2021. After working as an recruitment consultant at a recruitment agency for about 6 years, I was looking for a new challenge in the recruitment field, something that would advance my career, so I started my job search and explored all kinds of possibilities including talent acquisition (hereafter TA). Fortunately, I received a few offers, but frankly, I couldn’t decide which area was best for me. So to find out where my strengths lay, I choose RPO where I could gain a diverse range of experience.
While there are many companies out there, en world had the foundation to offer flexible career paths and was also well known for their RPO, in addition to operating an established recruitment agency and that is what attracted me to my decision to join the company. I believe that our ability to provide a wide range of services to our clients and obtain market information first-hand is our greatest strength.

- What drove you to take on the challenge of transitioning from an RPO onsite recruiter to Business Development?
While working as an onsite recruiter in the RPO division, I started becoming more eager to share our expertise and knowledge to companies, and became interested in Business Development which engages in upstream processes such as recruitment strategies and planning.
Up until then, my role as a recruitment expert was to propose recruitment processes to hiring managers at client companies. By working with various people in HR and TA managers and HR leaders for APAC who were highly knowledgeable about recruitment, I had to learn how recruitment interacted with the business and many other things in the beginning. What I did was to proactively engaged in meetings with various team managers from the recruitment department, not only for the success of the recruitment process through the implemented RPO service, but also to be able to make suggestions that would benefit the client’s business to develop and attended client company meetings to further deepen my knowledge and understanding.
As far as language goes, I learned English expressions and how meetings proceeded by attending meetings that my boss attended as an observer, since I hadn’t used English in any of my previous jobs. I took the opportunities that were presented to me to be exposed to an environment with many non-Japanese members and made the most of it. That’s how I improve my English language skills. For anyone who desires to use the English language in their work, I would say that this is a privileged environment.
- What is most fascinating about en world’s RPO?
I have always been impressed by the excellence in quality in the recruiters and the business people. The key difference between en world and other companies is our capability to quickly implement measures against market information and trends obtained from our recruiting services. Plus, with 70% of RPO members being bilingual, we are able to correspond seamlessly with foreign-affiliated companies. In addition, because many of the members are experienced and have a depth of insights in recruiting, we are quick to identify challenges that clients are facing and our clients are quite happy with improvement proposals that we provide.
We have strong ties across the division where we actively communicate and exchange information with other members outside our projects, sharing best practices. Members of the RPO division can engage in their work while enjoying a strong sense of belonging because there is a system in place to follow up on projects. That’s one of the key features of the RPO division.
- Tell us about your rewarding and growing experiences at en world.
The opportunities to be in discussions face to face with APAC HR leaders and executives from major Japanese companies is challenging and rewarding. Preparing ahead of time for corporate information, market information, and challenges that are perceived from the recruiting side is very important because it enables me to speak from the perspective that is expected of me.
At times, challenges the client company perceives may not be the same as ours. When recruiting is not going as well as expected, we request not only the person in charge of hiring on the client side but the actual department that conducts hiring. This is to review the fundamentals, from which we propose ways to improve their process. At times, as a result, hiring improves and the client asks us to consult on new initiatives that they wish to take on. At times like that, we realize that we have built a relationship of trust with our client, and it makes us extremely happy.

- What do you consider important in business development for RPO?
I focus on making the project mutually beneficial for the client company and onsite members. How can we perform to our fullest? Under what circumstances could we provide quality value to our client? These are some of the questions I ask in the preliminary stages of our work.
I also work to clarify any foreseen issues based on available information by identifying what the issue is and discussing solutions as a team. We aim to provide new perspectives to clients through the proposals we make as en world.
- What’s next for RPO?
I get a sense that the RPO market is shifting significantly over the past few years. The range of needs is widening, and so are expectations that companies have of RPO. Companies are now demanding higher quality services, and that makes en world’s expertise accumulated over the years increasingly more valuable.
As time changes, globalization is becoming more prominent with Japanese companies, taking initiatives to re-establish their mid-career recruitment programs. en world has 25 years of experience recruiting for both overseas and Japanese global companies, and this is a tremendous strength and new opportunity we can offer companies as an RPO.
- ※Information as of June 2024.
- Career Overview
- Previous jobs
From Sales Representative to Recruiting Consultant
I joined a Japanese manufacturing company as a SIer right after university, where I was involved in sales of IT solution services such as copiers and PCs, packaged software, and mission critical systems. I wanted to make suggestions that were more business-related so I made a career change to the recruiting industry. I gained experience as a recruitment consultant at a major Japanese recruitment agency for about 6 years.
- First two years with en world
Onsite recruiter, RPO Division
With a desire to further my experience in recruitment and discover my strengths, I joined en world. I work as an RPO on-site recruiter for a client company, recruiting not only for the Japanese market but also for overseas subsidiaries.
- Up to present
Business Development & Implementation Consultant, RPO Division
My responsibilities include identifying recruitment challenges that client companies face, proposing RPO services, and promoting awareness of RPO to expand the market. I am also involved in client management for existing client companies.